Liturgical Ministries

Liturgical ministries for lay people include lectors (Ministers of the Word) who proclaim scriptural (the Bible) passages during the Liturgy of the Word part of Mass, altar servers and acolytes who assist the presider at the altar, cantors and music ministers who lead the singing, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion who serve during Mass and/or who take Holy Communion to the sick and homebound, and ushers, greeters or ministers of hospitality who direct the seating and procession of the assembly.

Do you feel called by our Lord to minister in any of these capacities?

If you would like to serve in any of the following ministries, please call the the North ACC office (Sauk) at 320-352-2196, South ACC office (BBE) at 320-254-8218, or the West ACC office (St. Alexius) at 320-352-2563.

Altar Servers

Boys and girls can assist the priest at all liturgical services that require servers, such as daily and weekend Masses, funerals, and weddings. Altar Servers must be in the fifth grade or older and have received their First Communion.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Communion Ministers have the special responsibility of helping priests and deacons to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass. With permission, they may also bring Jesus to the sick.


Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Mass in an inspiring and meaningful way by assisting the priest with the readings, petitions and announcements of the Mass.

They carefully review the Scripture passages and practice reading them aloud before coming to Mass. We ask that all lectors please use Lector Resources as a great tool in preparation. This ministry is open to any prayerful parishioner who reads well.

You can find aids in preparing to read for Mass at Lector Resources


Music is an integral part of our liturgy. It touches your soul and lifts your mind to the Lord. Liturgical music, at certain times during the Mass, helps us to worship more deeply, to focus on the miracle taking place at the altar, and to rejoice in the Lord’s goodness and glory.

If you feel called to join in this ministry, please contact the appropriate music leader of your individual parish.

Cantors lead the congregation in song during weekend Mass. Training is provided as needed and scheduling is flexible.

Men and women, senior high age and older, who like to praise God with song are invited to join the choir. We have multiple choirs who sing monthly and at special liturgies during the year. Rehearsals vary with time of year and the group.

Piano, organ, instruments of all kinds are welcome to help us celebrate liturgy. Audition required.

Resurrection Choir
This choir sings strictly for funerals. Anyone who is available to sing for funerals is welcome to join this ministry.

Youth Choir
St. Alexius has a youth choir open to youth in grades K–12.

Ushers • Greeters

Ushers greet parishioners at weekend Masses, take up the collection, distribute bulletins, and perform other duties as needed to ensure the Mass progresses smoothly.

Funeral Ushers
Ushers are needed to serve our parishioners at Funeral Masses throughout the week, greeting those who mourn, directing mourners to their seats and providing needed information pertaining to the funeral service.

Greeters create a welcoming environment by greeting parishioners and visitors as they enter the church for Masses.

Welcoming Committee
The welcoming committee helps anyone wishing to join the parish. The welcomer lists the person on the parish register with all their sacramental information and gives them contribution envelopes, along with a parish directory and welcomes them to our parish family.

Collection Counters
Collection counters are those who count the contribution envelopes after Mass. They list all contributions and enter the totals to the bank for deposit.