Stewardship Renewal Weekend

September 23–24, 2023

We encourage you to pray about where God is calling you to use your time, talent, and treasure. We’ve provided a renewal card, Q & A link, and handbook for you to discern this calling, as well as descriptions of these stewardship aspects.

1. If you would like to complete a stewardship renewal card online, please go to

2. Q & A newsletter article about stewardship.

3. The stewardship handbook as a flipbook:


As parents we show our children what is most important in life by how we spend our time. Are we gathering around the dinner table, cuddling with our kids on the couch, having meaningful conversations, and praying together? Or are we always eating on the run, putting work ahead of our children, yelling at each other, and leaving God out of our family? No family is perfect and usually has some mixture of all these kinds of things. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to teach our children how to spend time with God and with our family.


Remember when our children took their first steps or spoke their first words? They learned by watching and listening to us. So too if we farm or hunt, cook or read, it is likely our children will want to try doing the things they see us doing. That means how we live honestly, work hard, avoid foul language, and play together impacts the talents of our kids. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to teach our children how to serve others with their talents.


What was the first gift you remember? A toy, a piece of candy, a quarter? How we receive gifts is important. Do we express gratefulness or shrug our shoulders? Saying thanks to others for their generosity helps us to also become generous with the gifts we have received. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to teach our children how to recognize gifts in their lives and to thank others, especially God, and how to give of ourselves generously.