Children first experience God in the arms of their parents. We acknowledge that parents are the primary educators in faith. Our goal is to assist you in this great endeavor and when we work together as a team, your child receives the greatest benefit possible! We would like to remind you of your awesome power as Christian parents. What we do is minimal compared to the great work you are constantly doing. Your children will learn what it is to be Catholic in today’s world because of you. Your faith and values are what they witness seven days a week.
Grades 1–9
First Reconciliation and First Communion are celebrated in the 2nd grade. Sacramental faith formation is a two year process beginning in 1st grade as the children are introduced into the life of the Church community. Children who are not enrolled in the first grade will be placed in a special class to cover the first year material. A determination will then be made as to when they are ready to receive the Sacraments.
Children who are beyond the 2nd grade and have not yet received the Sacraments will receive private tutoring in addition to their regular classroom work to prepare for the Sacraments.
Faith formation for Grades 7–9 continues the understanding of your Catholic Faith and the deepening of your spiritual life after having received the earlier sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist. It is also a time of exercising your spiritual and intellectual growth before preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
What You Can Do For Spiritual Growth
• Living your Catholic faith is important at this stage. Many experiences are now entering your life which compete with your time, energy, and faith, making it more difficult to desire a relationship with Jesus Christ.
• Going to Mass and Confession, reading your Bible, and hanging with friends who want a vibrant faith-life are great first steps.
• Making sure you make it to Religious Ed is another big step. Your teacher will have tons of information for you, as well as answering the many questions you may have.
Download a PDF:
2024-2025 Faith Formation Calendar with Youth Choir Dates
Formation for Grades 10-11 is preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Confirmation is a sacrament of initiation which is intimately connected with the sacrament of Baptism. Baptism is seen as the first step of the initiation process into the life of the Church. Confirmation is seen as the fulfillment of the Baptismal commitment. Baptism of infants focuses on the faith of the Church; Confirmation focuses on the faith of the individual and the role that the individual will assume in the faith community.
The Rite of Baptism states that children who have been baptized as infants “must later be formed in faith…so that they may ultimately accept for themselves the faith into which they have been baptized.” Confirmation is about the person receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit in order to mature and strengthen the Christian community.
Contact our ACC South office for BBE faith formation at 320-254-8218 to register for classes or if you have any questions.
Download a PDF:
2024-2025 Faith Formation Calendar with Youth Choir Dates
For more information on the Sacrament of Confirmation, go to our Confirmation webpage.