
We are very blessed to have holy priests pastoring the six parishes of our Area Catholic Community (ACC). As always, please pray for them!

Parochial Vicar
Fr. Mark Botzet

Ordained in 2019, I like celebrating the sacraments, and serving & being with the people of our ACC parishes. I enjoy spending time with my family on our farm and riding the John Deere gator to check the crops and the cattle. I also like snowmobiling and bowling.


Parochial Administrator
Fr. Tim Baltes

Dear People of the Parishes on the ACC:
My name is Fr. Tim Baltes. Recently, Bishop Patrick Neary named me as parochial administrator for the parishes of this ACC while Fr. Greg is on leave. My task as administrator is to support your fine staff as they continue to serve you. While I will not be in residence, I will make myself available to them and to you as needed. I will be assisting with many weekend Masses, attend parish meetings that need a pastor’s presence and offering whatever direction and advice they feel they will need. Since I will not be in residence, much of the daily sacramental needs will be handled by Fr. Mark Botzet. We are in the process of determining what this means and what adjustments may be needed. When it is figured out, we will let you know.

Just a little bit about myself. In May, I will have been a priest for 49 years having served in a number of parishes and in several diocesan positions. I retired from fulltime ministry almost five years ago. Since that I time, I enjoy helping out in parishes as needed. Originally from the Albany area, my family moved to Alexandria when I was 11. I am the oldest of three children, with one brother and one sister, neither of whom live in Minnesota anymore. Both have chosen warmer climates which provides a great opportunity for me. My parents are deceased.

I look forward to meeting you and serving you on our mutual journey as disciples of Jesus. Please continue to pray for Fr. Greg, your staff and your parishes. And, of course, prayers for me are always appreciated.

Fr. Greg Paffel

It has been a pleasure to serve as a priest in our Area Catholic Community. I was ordained June 2, 2001 on the Feast of Pentecost and pray to the Holy Spirit every day. Any given day you may find me praying, attending a meeting, playing games, or motorcycling.

Currently on leave.



Deacon Tom McFadden, Pastoral Associate
Deacon Kelly Marthaler

Retired Priests

Fr. Jim Maderack
Fr. Joe Korf