

“For people that say they don’t enjoy going to Mass because it’s boring, when you’re more involved you get more out of it. It gives you a sense of responsibility but also belonging.” With their own little one to pass on the faith to, Isaac and Rebecca are more convinced of the importance of building up our youth through their service and example. “If anything, it might lead us to be more involved with the youth and be our push to help out more with religious education,” Isaac says. “It’s important for us to be involved with our church. It makes our experience better and helps keep things working and improving.” ~ Isaac & Rebecca Radermacher

- Serving the Youth


“Through prayer and listening to the Lord, my eyes were opened to seeing different needs within the parish community that I could contribute to and support other areas of the parish.” Currently, Janet Zenzen participates in the Teen Intercessory Prayer Ministry, leads the Rosary before Sunday Masses, serves as a lector, is on the ACC Leadership Team, and is in her first year as a member of the Stewardship Committee. “Stewardship isn’t an obligation — it’s gratitude to the Lord for the gifts He has given us and we, in turn, use them to serve others. I am blown away by how my participation in parish life has transformed me since I made specific commitments to prayer.” ~ Janet Zenzen

- Transformation


“I can see that He has made us all different and that is what makes us special to Him,” says parishioner Myles Rick. “Without His ability to make us all different, we wouldn’t have all these special unique skills that we have. I like knowing that I have grown closer to Him throughout all the times I have helped teach about Him.” Serving God through our community is important to Myles. He enjoys telling others about God and encouraging other young people to learn more about the faith. Helping out with teaching religion classes and youth group events has helped him to grow spiritually. ~ Miles Rick

- Serving God through Community


Dan Krousey attributes his becoming active in the Knights to his ability to grow in his faith. “When I became Grand Knight, it started to really strengthen my faith because you have to really get involved, such as in the Divine Mercy and Rosary, and you memorize those prayers and all the Mysteries of the Rosary, and you’re leading the Rosary,” he says. He also attends adoration several hours each week and has been praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Being a member of the Knights of Columbus means that Dan is witness to the many attributes that his fellow Knights have in common — all are pro-life and pro-Christ. Charity is their main focus, and this takes the form of volunteering. “When you are asked to do something, it’s like you feel you want to say ‘yes’ because Christ is the one asking you to volunteer.” ~ Dan Krousey

- Grand Knight Stewardship


Charlotte Johnson attended Catholic school and was raised in the Catholic Church — but as an adult, she realized that she had so many questions about her faith. The Searching Souls Ministry offers Catholics a space to come together and inquire into the faith. “It is just what the name suggests—a ministry for souls searching for answers,” Charlotte says. “I’m growing deeper in my faith and am learning more and more. In researching the topics before the meetings, I learn so much, and then when we have discussions, we learn from everyone else.” ~ Charlotte Johnson

- Searching Souls Ministry


“I am here to help our shepherds, so they have the time to be better shepherds. This is a ministry, not a job. When God puts something like this in front of you, you have to go down the path He’s leading you to … We are all here for each other—to be a steward to other people. I am so honored and humbled to be doing this work.” ~ Adam Saltmarsh, Business Steward

- Helping Our Shepherds


Denise has found that by being an integral part of our parish family, she can help bring souls to Christ in meaningful ways. She serves as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and participates in various faith formation events. “Coming to adoration has made me realize how important it is to pray, adore and love Our Lord. I really enjoy the Searching Souls Ministry on Monday nights,” Denise says. “We also had a Bible study during Lent called No Greater Love.” She recently joined the Stewardship Committee, and brings her granddaughter Ariana with her to Mass regularly. ~ Denise Jennissen

- Parish and Family Life


It is important to make time for stewardship, just as if we were asked to make time for anything else. It has to be a commitment to make it a priority. The blessings that my family and I possess are gifts from God, and I feel that gifts are to be shared. What better way to show my appreciation of those blessings than to give back to my church in any way I can, and to instill in my daughters to do the same. ~Annette Kittleson

- Gifts To Be Shared


“The Bible says, ‘Don’t put your light under a bushel basket.’ We tipped that basket over and we want our light to shine. You let your light shine a little bit and pretty soon you’re a 100-watt bulb. You’re plugged in and there’s no unplugging you. The light gets brighter all the time. When we get plugged into these ministries, our light shines for everyone to see. We want to encourage people to get plugged in.” ~ Mike and Mary Thomas

- Let Your Light Shine!


Taking the position as secretary was an eye-opening experience. “Seeing everything that happens behind the scenes — before, I was just a mom in the pew — now that the curtain has been pulled, I see everything that goes on to get Mass going,” she says. “That has been a humbling experience for me, to see all that is done.” Jessica hopes that she’ll be able to provide a welcoming presence, while also getting to know more of her fellow parishioners and assisting people in whatever ways they need. In particular, she encourages other young families to prioritize their faith, even when it’s challenging. ~Jessica Minette

- Secretary at St. Alexius


“What really inspires me to live out my faith are the parishioners, parish office members, and priests in our parish community,” she says. “I try to live out stewardship by being welcoming, inviting people to come to Mass, going to Mass myself, volunteering and praying,” Meghan says. “I believe these things are so important because some people believe that stewardship is solely based on your financial contributions, but that is not the case. While giving your treasure is part of stewardship, there are so many other ways to be a steward in the church and community by providing your time or talent!” ~Meghan Middendorf

- Inspired to Live Out My Faith


Recently retired, Marlene had only been serving as a sacristan for a short time before she saw in the bulletin that the ministry was looking for a new leader. Not only has her faith and appreciation of the liturgy deepened since being a sacristan, but Marlene has also had the opportunity to get to know more of her fellow parishioners. “If you really want to be part of the community, this is another way of becoming involved. It’s just taking the talents you have and bringing them forward,” she adds. For Marlene, serving as a sacristan has been a wonderful reminder of the blessings we receive when we say “yes” to growing closer to God through service. “I had no idea how much fulfillment being a sacristan would bring into my life.” ~Marlene Groetsch

- Serving as a Sacristan